AWF Magazine - December 2023.pdf


By: Edson Jimenez Gonzalez and Angel Zaldivar

As we let you know in advance in our latest issue, we are going to be presenting a series of places in Mexico, mainly around Mexico City that you can visit and that pose a delight if you are a foodie, a history aficionado or just love having a great time and enjoy having fun. This time around we visited the State of Puebla, a State that links the Mexico City’s Valley States of Mexico, Morelos and Tlaxcala with the magical Mexican Southeast States like Oaxaca, Veracruz and even Guerrero, home of the world-renowned Acapulco Bay, that Frank Sinatra used to sing about in his song “Come Fly With Me” in 1958. In this State, which witnessed the famous Cinco de Mayo battle that we all know very well, a lot of the Mexican traditions that have endured and are regarded as symbols of the Country itself were born, and that is why we are starting this series of articles with one of its landmark cities: Chignahuapan. Chignahuapan is known for its Basílica de la Inmaculada Concepción (Immaculate Conception Basilica) and its huge figure of the Virgin Mary, carved from cedar. The central Plaza de Armas features a colorful wooden kiosk and the Parroquia de Santiago Apóstol church, with its brightly colored facade. But not only that, Chignahuapan is much more than that, in many ways.

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