AWF Magazine - Q1 2024
How Can women Fuel meaningful connections and
expand their professional Network?
“It is important to share your career aspirations with leaders that you trust, respect, and admire. Share with them your career goals and don't be afraid to ask them "what does it take" to get there?” -Tricia A. Kilian
“My best advice is if you’re afraid to reach out – just do it. You might have some challenging conversations, but they will help you grow! If you’re nervous, try lateral “mentorships/networking to ease into it” - Melissa Zayas “Equally important is the follow-up after the connection is made, as well as deepening existing relationships naturally formed through relationships at work or organizations that you’re in. Schedule in-person or virtual coffee. Reach out when something comes across your desk that reminds you of that person”. - Gloria Lewis
We encourage you to read all the comments and watch the full video here & follow #womenscareerchat
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