AWF Magazine - December 2023.pdf

By: Edson Jimenez Gonzalez and Angel Zaldivar

¿No me da mi Calaverita? (Won´t you give me my Little Skull?)

As we promised in last quarter's issue we are back to continue giving you insights on Mexican culture, places to travel to and things and festivities to enjoy on your upcoming trips to Mexico, sometimes we will probably even talk about events you already think you know of, but we're going to give you the backstage of the show and even plot twists you didn't even imagine. On this issue we will cover one of the most recognized Mesoamerican festivities that in recent years has been rediscovered and spread throughout the world, basically due to two Hollywood productions that have definitely added to the celebration itself and have helped us, as Mexicans rediscover and reassess our own paradigm, in this sense, 007: Spectre, and Coco have shown the world the death serious and colorful joy of celebrating our dead, usually over all Mexican territory on the same date: 2 of November, Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead). In Mexico we have learned to dance under the storm, overcome struggle, learned to laugh, even to the unlaughable, even about death itself. Do not get us wrong, we mourn, and we suffer the departure of our beloved relatives, grandparents, fathers, mothers, siblings, children. It hurts, they leave, and we stay here, without them, to continue suffering. But they can come back, once a year, this is the origin of Día de Muertos.

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